Why Lingonberries?
Lingonberries are also known as cowberries and occasionally as mountain or lowbush cranberries, red bilberries or whortleberries
Lingonberries grow in the wild in Sweden
… and bushes in woodlands all over northern Europe the berries grow on low evergreen shrub, in late summer the ground in the Swedish forests shines red from the abundant lingonberries.
Although the berries might look attractive on bushes, they are not good to eat in their raw state as they are quite bitter. They have shiny, rather hard skins when fresh, but they are transformed with some sugar in fermentation and become much elegant and sophisticated, beautiful rosé wine of lingonberries. Now you can enjoy a deliciated wine made from wild lingonberries forages from the Swedish forest.
Carl von Lineé
… the father of Taxonomy, named of the lingonberry plant in the 17th century with Latin name “Vaccinium vitis-idaea” meaning “Grapevine from the mountain of Ida”. No wound It turns out lingonberry offering great properties for winemaking, He must have realized then the fine properties of lingonberries become a delicious and tasty wine.
Lingonberry is considered a “superfruit” based on their nutritional value and potential health benefits containing high in antioxidants, vitamins (A, B- and C) and minerals (such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphor) and also natural preservatives. Lingonberries are widely used in the Swedish kitchen and has been one of the most important foods used in beverages, jams such as lingonberry jam accompaniment to meatballs.
Our products
Rålund and Bergskär berry wine
Perfectly complement our meals, offering a Non-Grape and Histamine Free alternative with extraordinary experience and minimal environmental impact.
Indulge in an extraordinary wine crafted from Nordic Wild Blueberries and lingonberries, source from the depths of Norrland´s forest in Northern Sweden.